









You know you like juuhachigou too much when

  1. You kno you like juuhachigou too much when.
  2. name you're daughter marron
  3. you fall in love with short guys who shave their head and have no nose
  4. You put a red ribbon patch on every scrap of clothing you own
  5. You have legaly changed your name to a number
  6. You force your boyfriend to get Krillin's hair cut.
  7. You've died your once brown hair blonde and let it grow to your shoulders.
  8. The only clothing you wear in public are outfits seen on Juuhachigou
  9. You dress up like her for halloween.
  10. You cover your wall with picturs of her.
  11. You made an #18 outfit and wore it to school.
  12. You can't sleep without dreaming of her
  13. You want to be like her expect for the Android part!
  14. You shave your head
  15. You were a T-shirt with 18 on it
  16. You get your own torn sleeve jean jacket
  17. you start to act like her and dress like her
  18. Your closet has become an 18 shrine
  19. You have over 2000 images of her
  20. You record only the episodes with 18 in them
  21. You visit every android 18 website
  22. You memorize every quote 18 says
  23. You cry every time you watch the episode where 18 gets absorbed
    By: Sarah

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