Juuhachigou 2k
Update May 26, 2004 It has been over a year, maby even 2 years since I updated this website. I dont know too much about what happened since then. I dont think I can ever get the image gallery up. It was simply too laborous a task to begin with. but I do know that I can get the content back up and the layout fixed again. I am happy to finally have a website again. This last year has sucked, I have failed numerous attempts at launching a website. so I am going to simply maintain the one that I have and never let it fall again. It took me 2 years work to get this thing to where it was before. And right now, I can tell you, that I t sucks, terribly. Before the layout was fantastic and no broken links. tons of content, more content then i have seen on any other site. I made all the cgi / perl scripts from scratch. this entire site, was from scratch. Guestbooks, and polls. It was hard as hell, and it shaped my web developing skills. The least i can do is re establish the website to show some of my gratitude. |