Great Saiyaman DeclarationGohan is taking a liking to dressing up in a wierd costume in which nobody likes at all except Bulma(who made it) and going all over the city and being a super hero. Goten (Gohan's younger brother) is looking for his friend Chobi who is a dinosaur. A tv commercial comes on and shows Chobi in the circus gettin whipped. Goten asks Gohan to save him. So Gohan goes over to the circus the very next day and talks to the manager. The manager is stiff and only cares about cash. Gohan decides that Chobi has the right to be with his parents and puts his super hero costume on. He goes over to Chobi's cage, bends the bars, takes him out and leaves. Meanwhile one of the Circus workers finds that Chobi is gone and tells the manager. The manager then calls the police. Gohan easily ditches the police But Videl stops him and starts fighting him. Chobi starts screaming for his parents when the manager grabs him. The parents arive and Videl realizes that Gohan was doing the right thing and starts helping him. They both manage to get Chobi back to his parents. The next day in school Videl tells Gohan that she knows that he is saiyaman and that she won't tell anybody if he promises he will enter the world tournament and teach her to fly. Gohan agrees. He goes over to Bulma's house and tells her that he is going to participate in the world martial arts tournament. Vegeta comes in and says he will participate too. Goku really is getting bored so he communicates telepathically with the help of King Kai and tells Gohan and Vegeta that he will participate too. Gohan goes over to master Roshi's and Tells Krillin and 18 the news. Krillin gets really excited but dosn't want to participate. 18 comes out and starts yelling at him to participate. Krillin finally agrees. Gohan goes home and with some luck he gets his mother to let him participate as well. Gohan and Goten start training togeather for the tournament early in the morning. Meanwhile Krillin and 18 are training. Krillin is complaining about not having breakfast and coffee. 18 just tells him that he has to earn his breakfast. Gohan and Goten are training when Goten asks if he can turn Super saijin like Gohan. Gohan says that he needs to get a little older before he can learn, when Goten turns into a super saijin, Gohan is completely shocked that his little brother can allready turn Super saijin. They start sparring when Gohan jumps into the air and Goten yells at him that he can't fly and he is cheating. Videl arrives and Gohan says he will teach them both how to fly. |