Things not to do to Juuhachigou
- Tell her she have stayed in Cell. (Gross!!)
- Don't try to give her a recharge
- dont hit on her
- Don't take her shopping in a hick town
- Don't say that 18 and 17 are lovers.
- Use your sword to cut her hair off. As this means a slow death.
- Don't hurt the bald guy.
- Don't give her a cowboy dress.
- Don't have a hair don't.
- Don't act like a hooligan.
- Don't mention Vegeta's name.
- Call her a tin can
- Harm her husband or daughter
- Call her an unnatural blonde
- Don't just call her an Android cause she got feelings like any other human
- use her as a lawn orniment
- Give her an oil can for Christmas (Whoever said that, Thats a good one)
- walk behind her and poke her in the back a million times and then when she turn around and asks "WHAT!" say "nothing
- don`t insult her
- dont harm her friends
- Dont ask her on a date (Remember what happend to that guy who asked her out)
- Don't say you can beat her at fighting.
- dress up as her dead brother
- say shes ugly
- Don't even think about taking the last dress on the rack in 18's size...or else...
Here is where you can tell me what you think would fit up here.