I havn't been putting your interview questions up lately because I havn't been on, and I have found them to be deleted, because I went over my yahoo disk space quota just a few days ago. So, I have replaced that feedback gear by html gear with one of my own feed back boxes. All you have to do is just type in your question for Juuhachigou, Kurrin, or Marron, and click submit. Please, don't send any junk like aj;lkd;ljhgn;kjfg. That really gets annoying Juuhachigou is Blue Kurrin is yellow Vegeta is green Marron is Purple Question asker is red
Kurrin, would you let me go out with Marron? Because i think she look hot in some GT series. Hey, I'm really gonna have to hurt you if you don't get out of my site now, ::Face turns red:: Juuhachigou: Allright, Kurrin, step aside, I will destroy this scum No way mom, I want to, I can fend for my self If you never met Krillin and Vegeta did not let you get absorbed by Cell and if Vegeta was not married, would you ever consider trying to hook up with Vegita? ::Quivers:: hahahaha, I would love to pound that saijins face to the floor. I cannot stand the things my brother and the only reason I actually stay around him is because he is my brother, but vegeta is ten times worse, I would not set my self up to be miserable, would people please stop asking me about why I choose Kurrin to be my husband, it is because I love him, OK!!! You must be one of the coolest DBZ characters around, and I think it was cool you got togather with Krillin, who of corse is the man! I understand you hate Vegita, i can sorta see why but he does hide alot of his real emotion dispite his pride and stuff, i mean the pour guy was inslaved by Freiza, had his father killed, was made to do Freiza's dirty work ,and then even when he felt he could finally take him on, got killed for a bit by him, having totally failed. The question is could you ever truely like him as a friend or prehaps put the past behind you and let the past lie where it is? Oh by the way its also a question from Vegita himself, he's just afrade to ask it "Vegita growls":THE BOY LIES! "Vegita blushes"
Kurrin: Allright thats it, I have had it with people asking my wife out ::Beats the crap out of Vegeta and The kid:: Vegeta: Kurrin you will die! Juuhachigou: Allright, I have allready warned you people once, I am not going to even let vegeta in my site unless it is only for me to pound him to pulp. Juuhachigou starts pounding vegeta in the face and fires a kienzan disk till it is inches away from his throat Juuhachigou: May I escort you back to where you belong, and kurrin please take care of these scum who think i will ever go out with this vermin Kurrin: Gladly Juuhachigou how old were you when you first met Kurrin? No offense by this, but do you age? I know your an android so does that mean you stopped aging, because of Dr. Gero? I think I might have been 18 and I do age since the bombs inside of me provided power to eternal life and kurrin wished them away so I do age. Hey Android 18, if killin was not in the picture who would you have gone out with and how do you feel about goku now? If he was not in the picture, I would not be in the picture since I would have been killed, but if I were still alive, which I think that is the question you are trying to ask me, I would stay single. 18, what's your opinion of Lunch/Kushami? is she in your league? never met lunch, but she relied on guns to hurt, so no. What's your opinion of Broli? You fought him once, in Movie 11. Big hairy, and ugly is Super 17 better or worse than Regular Android 17? You can guess that one for yourself is blackmailing Hercule Your favorite hobby? No, I made myself look weak infront of an entire audience and
let that dogpile get the credit for it, I want the money he promised, but
Goku won't let me kill him
Juu, if you didn't marry Krillin,would you marry me? I'm A relly nice guy
once you know me!
Juu: Erh, you pig no way, you are more idiotic than master roshi, at
least he doesn't ask me to marry him.
Why do you hate Vegeta so much? Juu: Why do you think, he is so full of himself and above all he let that
creep absorb me, and then he screwed up my hair due after cell, and he
never stops calling me tin can.
what whould you do if krillin dumped you? What if marron comes back
(krillens x) and tries to still him from you? was your husband krillen evar
chased bye the police? Juu: What would I do if he dumped me? I would have to kill him. If his
ex girlfriend came by to steal him from me she wouldn't make it out of the
house alive. Besides I really don't think he wants to dump me. Wouldn't you
Kurrin: Have I ever been chased by the police. ummm... Well no not
really. What in the world could bring that up ok i finaly got to ask you this...Juuachigou you are
favortie female Charactor and Krillin is my Favortie male but i always
why didn't you go for Trunks...i mean IM THE HAPPIEST GUY IN THE WORLD
YOU GOT MARRIED TO KRILLIN but i thought you would go for
Trunks... Juu: Well think about it. The guy made a special trip to the past to just
kill me. His father is the prince of all Jerks. And He and I share nothing in
Common. I don't think I could stand him, he has inherited many of his
bad habits... but he did inherit many of his mothers good habits. Why do you LOVE Krillin? I know you already
answered that but
what exactly do you see in him? No affense on Krillin! I think you two make
perfect couple. asks another audience member. Juu: Umm are you tring to get on my bad side. I do not like being
asked the
same question twice. I don't even like it the first time. How stupid can
get. But he is kind and sweet and that is why I like him. Do you think Marron will learn how to fight like you
Kurrin. Juu: NO absolutely not period the end. She is a great young girl and I
want her to turn out like a brute like me. Kurrin: Well I am not a brute and it isn't all that
fighting. Juu: I don't want her to turn out like clown boy either. Kurrin: Hey what do you mean by
that. Juu: Exactly what you think I mean... You are a short little clowny man
that is why I made you grow your hair so you didn't look as pathetic. Kurrin: Does that mean you don't love
me? Juu: where In the world would you get that Idea of course I love you
idiot jerk hypochondriac... Ops did I actually say that last part there Kurrin: yes!!! yes you did And I have hurt
feelings!!! Juu: sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings but weeklings need to
not to cry when they get hurt. Kurrin: I will never forget this ever. Juu: yes you will you won't remember after you get something even worse hurt (kicks him sky high) Hopefully he will forget 18 would you consider ever going out with
me Juu: Um... Thinking thinking thinking... NO absolutely not I am allready
married and You are a weakling. I will prove it. Punts him over the horizon
in front of him and punches him in the gut. krilin if marron were to start fighting what would you
krilin would you be kind and get me a date with gohan? Juu: Wow krillin she kinda reminds me of that old whacked out girlfriend
yours who wanted to go out with everybody at once... Marron I think. Kurrin: Yeah I do believe you are right
Juuhachigou. Juu: If you wanted to go out with kurrin I would have to kill you. As for trunks ask vegeta and trunks himself. As for Gohan... he is allready married and you have no right. |