Things they would never say
- Marron be quiet and quit whining
- Kurrin I love you (before super seventeen)
- Vegeta want to go out on a date
- I think I look bad I really don't need to shop it won't help
- I think dr. Gero was cool
- I hate fighting
- hit me baby one more time!
- If only I had a nose...
- I'm not funny.
- I'm so pretty!
- All my life I've been in Goku's shadow. This is going to end
here and now!
- For the last time no! the spots on my head dont change colour!
- *to vageta* we midgets must stick together!
- Pity, the greatest word in the english language... what? how
do u think i got married to #18?
- If u wanna be my lover!
- I don't like being married to an android
- 18 I am calling it off
- Nose grow two thousand from the makers of Rogain I think I will try it
- I really don't know what I was thinking gettin married to an android
- Goku is a weekling
- Marron I don't think I am a good father get out of my sight
- I think I will call it off with 18 and go with marron again.
- Dad I don't like you
- I hope mommy looses this match she deserves it
- Mom you are mean
- Mom I turned ninteen today I am older than you!
- Mommy! you ruined it! and i never got a turn!
If you have anything I can use for this section please email them to me
in the feed back section. I could use any android 18, 17 or 16 quotes or any
Kurrin or marron quotes.